GLD Holding GmbH | Kirchenweg 6, 3233 Kilb, Austria | +43 2748 6654 0 |<This e-mail address is protected against spam bots, you have to activate JavaScript in your browser to see it.> De En

Real estate

Our international real estate projects are on a good foundation.

The Lower Austrian GLD Invest Group is a competent and high profile contact in Real Estate Development and Investment as well as Facility & Property Management and Austrian market leader in the Ukraine. GLD Invest Group has its roots in a Hungarian project, with which Leopold Sandler started his career in 1996, after he successfully managed a construction company for several years as managing director with his technical background.
Real Estate Development / Investment-

Real Estate Development / Investment

More than 500,000 m2 of international experience.

Logistics parks, office buildings, hotel buildings and shopping centers in an international environment: We plan and build real estate projects that are subsequently offered for sale or continue to be looked after. We are looking at a real estate area of more than 500.000 m2 realized so far.

As a leading Austrian real estate developer in the Ukraine, we have been offering our clients A-class properties in first-class locations for more than a decade.

> To the projects and references

» Clear structures and long-standing and experienced employees in decision-making positions enable quick and flexible action on the market: a clear efficiency advantage for our customers. «

Leopold Sandler
Managing partner since 1996
Expert in Real Estate Development & Investment
Facility & Property Management-

Facility & Property Management

Tailor-made solutions for our customers in Hungary

Our services on the Hungarian market include classic facility & property management (technical and infrastructural FM) as well as the entire spectrum from tenant search and support up to complete administration. We develop and implement tailor-made solutions for each of our customers.

Your advantage: cost efficiency in real estate

Thanks to our long-standing presence in international markets – in Hungary since 1996, in the Ukraine since 2003 and in Croatia since 2013 – we can draw on a wealth of experience in day-to-day real estate management. This gives our clients a clear advantage in the cost efficiency of their properties.

Evidence shows that we achieve an excellent value in the cost-effectiveness of our properties on the Budapest market – in rankings we are always in the first positions (within the top 10%).

> Arrange a personal appointment
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» We have been active in the real estate sector since 1996 – in Hungary, the Ukraine and Croatia – and since then we have built up enormous local knowledge in terms of technology, construction, tax legislation and legal framework: a decisive success factor of our projects. «

Eva Zupko
Management Hungary since 1999
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