GLD Holding GmbH | Kirchenweg 6, 3233 Kilb, Austria | +43 2748 6654 0 | <This e-mail address is protected against spam bots, you have to activate JavaScript in your browser to see it.>
The hotel and office complex with a gross area of 24,000 m2 is located in the Rusanivka district.
Office and hotel complex
Gross area of 24,000 m2
Office: 14,000 m2
Hotel: 10,000 m2
2 garage floors with 154 car parking spaces
Rusanivka district, 10 minutes from the metro station "Levoberezhnaya". The city center is just a 15-minute drive away. Kiev′s Borispol and Zhulyany International Airport can be reached in 30 minutes and 35 minutes respectively.